Our style of worship is based upon a traditional approach but is open to measured change and moderate experimentation. We have developed the form of our services in recent years to provide more variety and hope to continue with this trend.
We are used to Bible-based preaching. We often follow the lectionary – a ‘set’ collection of psalms and readings from Holy Scripture – but do not regard this as essential. Our worshippers represent a range of ‘centre of the road’ theological views but our focus is helping people live the Christian life whatever their personal convictions.
At services, we use a multiple screen video projection system for all hymns, and to enhance our worship in various ways. The Morning Service is when most members worship together and enjoy a time of fellowship over coffee afterwards. A few young children attend most weeks and there is always an activity-based lesson ready for them. There is also a weekly crèche.
We celebrate Communion during the first Sunday morning service.
Our Worship for All service on the third Sunday provide family-friendly worship and usually include band-led worship songs. Members of our local Beaver colony often join us.
On the 4th Sunday of the month, we include a ‘Minute for Mission’ giving information about the charity that we then support through the following month’s communion offertory.
We are fortunate to have several members, including a non-stipendiary and a retired minister, who share in leading and contributing to worship.